Rakesh Asthana, Commissioner of Police, Delhi inaugurated the Social Media Cell of Delhi Police with in-house state of the art studio Face-2-Face at PHQ, today. Delhi Police has established Social Media Cell for holding Podcast, Twitter Live sessions, Panel Discussions, Press Briefings & Countering Fake News.
Speaking on the occasion the CP, Delhi underlined the importance of communication in today’s well-networked society. It is equally important to fight fake news as to propagate actual facts in public domain. Social Media is the best medium to spread awareness and for debunking fake news in shortest time. Educational and awareness videos produced by SMC can be shared by EOW, SPUWAC and other verticals of Delhi Police.
The Social Media Cell has been set-up in Police Headquarters for quick dissemination of information in case of exigencies like violence, fire incident, building collapse, bomb threat or other such emergent situation. On several occasions, situations related to law & order are mischievously escalated on social media with certain false narratives to disturb and peace & harmony. Social Media Cell will counter such fake news. Moreover, the city’s traffic can be regulated through regular updates with video advisories especially on mega-events like Republic Day, Independence Day, Summits and Conferences. The much advanced studio will be used for making internal productions/content to be used for training and welfare purpose, besides catering to general public through regular connect.
‘Face To Face’, a fully modern, well equipped studio & ‘Social Media Control Room’ inaugurated by @CPDelhi today at PHQ. The setup will be used for Podcasts, Twitter Live Sessions, Countering Fake News, awareness videos, spreading information in case of emergencies & much more. pic.twitter.com/bMkX0uNMve
— Delhi Police (@DelhiPolice) May 30, 2022
SplCsP Sh. Satyendra Garg, Ms Sundari Nanda, Sh Sanjay Baniwal, Sh Mukesh Kumar, Sh Sanjay Singh, Sh Dependra Pathak, Ms Nuzhat Hassan, Sh Virendra Kumar, Sh Robin Hibu, Ms Garima Bhatnagar, Sh Ravindra Yadav, Sh Madhup Tewari, Sh Sagarpreet Hooda, Sh HGS Dhaliwal and Sh Surendra Singh Yadav were also present on this occasion.