Rakesh Asthana, Commissioner of Police, Delhi announced adoption of ‘Jeevan Dayini’ Blood Donation crusade by Delhi Police at Adarsh Auditorium, Police Headquarters, on the occasion of World Blood Donor Day. Padmashree Dr. Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS, internationally renowned pulmonologist was the chief guest on the occasion. Dr. Vanshree Singh, Director, Indian Red Cross Society was the Guest of Honour.
Every year June 14th is celebrated as Blood Donor Day across the world to raise awareness about saving lives by blood donations to save lives of people affected by disease and medical conditions.
A dedicated mobile number 6828400400 was pronounced as Blood Donation Helpline and beneficiaries & volunteers can connect to this helpline through whatsapp & Telegram.
The voluntary group ‘Jeevandayini’ was conceptualized and formed in 2017, when some regular and enthusiastic blood donors from Delhi Police connected through social media platforms. They started spreading awareness among colleagues that by donating blood we can save someone’s life. However, when they started visiting hospitals and blood banks, it was realized that millions of people lose their lives due to scarcity of blood. It was then decided to form Jeevan Dayini Group on WhatsApp and social media campaigns were held with donation of blood by Delhi Police personnel not only in Delhi but across NCR hospitals. To have maximum outreach, it was decided that whenever a donor would visit a hospital he/she should share phone numbers of the group members with blood bank staff so that duty off personnel be readily available in emergencies. In the very first year of inception more than 600 units of blood were donated by these warriors. Today they have reached strength of 800 with around 650 Delhi police personnel besides Defence personnel, Haryana Police personnel, teachers, and other departments including common citizens. Many members have donated blood on more than 50 occasions and the team has collectively provided more than 8500 units of blood, plasma, platelets and WBCs. The team also spreads awareness that by regularly offering blood, the donor too benefits with fresh and strong blood.
CP, Delhi honoured Dr. Randeep Guleria and Dr. Vanshree Singh, Director Blood Bank, IRCS with mementos, appreciating their bonding with Delhi Police in this divine and noble cause. He also felicitated Blood Warriors of Delhi Police who have donated blood on multiple occasions. Some notable names among regular donors who were rewarded by CP, Delhi are Ct Ashish Dahiya, Ct Amit Singh, Ct Ravinder& HC Shankar Lal.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Guleria said that Jeevan Dayani is a great initiative on the part of police personnel who out of their own free will have contributed immensely for the society especially during COVID times by donating blood & platelets to the needy patients and stated that in future many more persons are going to associate with this program.
Commissioner of Police, Delhi speaking on the occasion said that this initiative started in the year 2017 and has significantly expanded over a period of time. The initiative was started on a purely voluntary basis which has now been institutionalised by Delhi Police to increase its outreach and impact. Delhi Police while tackling with crime & criminals has also displayed it’s humanitarian aspect through initiatives like Jeevan Dayani and during COVID times also Delhi Police has been at forefront not only in arranging medicines, facilitating oxygen supply & action against black marketeers but also in donating blood & plasma to the needy patients which deserves special appreciation.
On the occasion of #WorldBloodDonorDay, a blood donation drive is being conducted in all Districts today.
Delhi Police is committed to saving lives in every possible way & in this spirit we are kickstarting a special blood donation initiative, 'Jeevan Dayini'.#DelhiPoliceCares— Delhi Police (@DelhiPolice) June 14, 2022
Blood donation camps were also organised on this occasion in Police Headquarters and district/units offices as part of Delhi Police Jeevandayani wherein about 1300 police personnel donated blood.